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Climate Control Centre

Multi Part Machine Parts (1)

Icon Craft Cost Name
Climate Control Centre

Resource Level: Greg

Total Base Resources (Automation Setup) Producing (175) Units

Icon Craft Cost Name Craft Cost Amount
Copper Ore 225 Each - 1,125 Total
Tin Ore 1,350 Each - 6,750 Total
Iron Ore 225 Each - 1,125 Total
Gold Ore 1,200 Each - 6,000 Total
Nickel Ore 1,425 Each - 7,125 Total
Titanium Ore 1,200 Each - 6,000 Total
Icon Craft Cost Name Craft Cost Amount
Copper Bar 9 Each - 45 Total
Tin Bar 54 Each - 270 Total
Iron Bar 9 Each - 45 Total
Gold Bar 48 Each - 240 Total
Nickel Bar 57 Each - 285 Total
Titanium Bar 48 Each - 240 Total

Total Intermediate (Automation Setup) Producing (175) Units

Icon Craft Cost Name Craft Cost Amount
Lightweight Machine Housing 9 Each - 45 Total
Low Grade Steel Bar 9 Each - 45 Total
Servo Motor 9 Each - 45 Total

Total Machine Blocks (Automation Setup) Producing (175) Units

Icon Craft Cost Name Craft Cost Amount
Hardened Machine Block 48 Each - 240 Total
Alloyed Machine Block 3 Each - 15 Total

Total Machines For Automation (21) - Beta

Icon Name Count PPS PTS PS Time
Hardened Machine Block Assembler 2 15 25 500 4s
Alloyed Machine Block Assembler 2 15 25 500 32s
Steel Alloy Smelter 2 50 100 500 9s
Extrusion Plant 1 0 0 0 10s
Manufacturing Plant 4 32 32 32 10s
Basic Ore Smelter 7 1 0 128 8s
Stamper Plant 1 0 0 0 10s
Servomotor Maker 1 0 0 0 15s
Lightweight Machine Housing Crafter 1 0 0 0 30s
9 Power / Time Resources 21 563 910 8.3k 6hs 11m 53s

Scans Required (6) | Total Given Research Points (100)

Icon Name RP
Copper Ore 15
Icon Name RP
Tin Ore 10
Icon Name RP
Iron Ore 15
Icon Name RP
Gold Ore 20
Icon Name RP
Nickel Ore 20
Icon Name RP
Titanium Ore 20

Research Required (5) | Required Research Points (15)

Icon Name RP
Frozen Factory Expansion 0
Icon Name RP
Automation 5
Icon Name RP
Assembly Line Machines 5
Icon Name RP
Basic Mining Upgrades I 5
Icon Name RP
Metal Alloys 0

Machines/Items Required (10) | Required Research Points (57)


Icon Name RP
Alloyed Machine Block 8
Icon Name RP
Lightweight Machine Housing 8
Icon Name RP
Low Grade Steel Bar 8
Icon Name RP
Servo Motor 8


Icon Name RP
Alloyed Block Assembler 4
Icon Name RP
HardenedBlock Assembler 4
Icon Name RP
Lightweight Machine Housing Crafter 3
Icon Name RP
Manufacturing Plant 8
Icon Name RP
Servomotor Maker 5
Icon Name RP
Steel Alloy Smelter 1