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Name Missing! Icon Missing! Advanced machine block.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Lithium Pipe Lithium_Pipe.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Sugalite Crystal Sugalite_Crystal.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
SpiderBot Cannon SpiderBotCannon.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Organic Power Storage Organic_Power_Storage.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Pristine Heavy Chitin Pristine_Heavy_Chitin.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
MiniHopper Mini_Hopper.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Threat Reducer Threat_Reducer.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Power Storage Block Power_Storage_Block.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Large Minecart LargeMinecart.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Infused Coal Infused_Coal.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Research Parts ResearchParts.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Cold Cavern Flora 4 Cold_Cavern_Flora_4.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Pristine Stinger Pristine_Stinger.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Orange GlowPod Orange_GlowPod.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Jet Turbine Generator Housing Jet_Turbine_Generator_Housing.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Crude Organic Lens Crude_Organic_Lens.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Turret MK3 Turret_MK3.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Tin Coil Tin_Coil.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Iron Ore Iron_Ore.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Leaves Leaves.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Nickel Wire Nickel_Wire.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Research Assembler Research_Assembler.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Gold Wire Gold_Wire.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Geothermal Generator comp. Geothermal_Generator_Comp..xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Research Station Research_Station.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
MagmaBore Component T4_MagmaBore.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Lightweight PCB Lightweight_PCB.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Antimatter Drill Motor Antimatter_Drill_Motor.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Gold Bar Gold_Bar.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)