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Title Name Icon File Folder Langauge
Bulk Cargo Lift BulkCargoLift.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Pristine Light Chitin Pristine_Light_Chitin.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Blue GlowPod Blue_GlowPod.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Cargo Lift Controller CargoLiftController.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Simplified Experimental Pod Simplified_Experimental_Pod.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Charged PCB Charged_PCB.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Iron Coil Iron_Coil.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Basic Missile Assembler Basic_Missile_Assembler.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
MK5 Battery Component Power_Storage_MK5.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Laser Resin Ablator Hard_Resin_Ablator.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Cold Cavern Flora 7 Cold_Cavern_Flora_7.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Extrusion Plant Extrusion_Plant.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Turret MK1 Turret_MK1.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Copper Ore Copper_Ore.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Lightweight Machine Plate Lightweight_Machine_Plates.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Iron Ore Ping Iron_Ore_Ping.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Laser Energy Transmitter MK2 Laser_Energy_Transmitter_MK2.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Nickel Plate Nickel_Plate.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Missile Turret MK2 Missile_Turret_MK2.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Ultimate Experimental Pod Ultimate_Experimental_Pod.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Location Marker Location_Marker.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Basic PCB Basic_PCB.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
ARTHER Dapper Pack ARTHER_Dapper_Pack.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
ARTHER Battery Core ARTHER_Battery_Core.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Ruined Phosphorescent Gland Ruined_Phosphorescent_Gland.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Sapphire Crystal Sapphire_Crystal.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Iron Bar Iron_Bar.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
The Itano The_Itano.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
MK3 Power Booster PowerBoosterMK3.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Electric Light Electric_Light.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)