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Handbook Entry

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Cargo Lift Controller

This machine is used for vertical bulk haulage, and is unmatched at retrieving resources from the depths of the world. Past Iron, this is the best viable solution available to you.

Built in a 3x1x3 layout over an appropriately-deep shaft. The AutoExcavator is ideally suited for this.

Go to the next page for information on configuration and building.

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Shaft configuration

Once you have cleared your shaft to your desired depth, you will need to fit RackRails to the edges of it.

Simply attach a Storage Hopper to the Cargo Lift controller and it will place them automatically, until solid ground is located.

There is NO limit to the distance that these can be placed, but please note that there is a trade-off between distance and speed.

400-600 metres is ideal, with a minimum distance of around 16 metres.

For shorter distances, try MatterMovers or Transport Conveyors.

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Once your Cargo Lift Controller is reading a suitable depth, then you are ready to fit a Cargo Lift to it.

Simply open the Cargo Lift Controller UI (default key is 'E') and drag the appropriate Cargo Lift into the slot.

You can remove and upgrade Cargo Lifts, but the Cargo Lift MUST be empty before you can do so.

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Your Cargo Lift will automatically travel up and down the shaft if given enough power, and will collect and offload resources depending on the orders given. To change the orders, simply open the Cargo Lift Controller UI (default key is 'E') and select them appropriately.

Once at the upper or lower bounds of your shaft, the Cargo Lift will attempt to Load and Unload via any attached Storage Hoppers. Simply place them touching the parked lift.


Power Required (rails):100 per metre
Power Capacity:3000
Max. Power Recharge Rate:1000 per second