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Handbook Entry

Language - English

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Geothermal Generator Comp.

The geothermal Generator components are used to form a high tier passive power generation system capable of outputting 10 times the power of a jet turbine. The geothermal generator must be placed in the cold caverns and fed Heat Conducting Pipes to start generating power. The Geothermal works by generating energy from heat differences, for every pipe placed below the cold cavern level the power generated per second will increase. Once the Heat Conducting Pipes reach the magma caverns they will start absorbing heat from the magma sea thereby generating exponentially more power than before. Since the Geothermal generates energy from heat differences feeding it freezon canisters should increase the Geothermal’s energy production by a significant amount.

Needs to be constructed in a 5x3x5.

Heat Conducting Pipe

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Power (rush - always):32808 per second
Peak Power (plentiful):410.1 per second
Peak Power (scarce):205 per second
Freezon Multiplier:20X
Multiplier Time:30 seconds
Power Capacity:15000
Max. Power Transfer Rate:3200 per second
Burn Time:nan
Fuel:Heat differential