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Handbook Entry

Language - English

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Ore Extractor

The Ore Extractor is your go to machine for harvesting resources. When you dig using your build gun, each attempt at mining a block of ore subtracts from the total resources available in that ore block. This will occasionally generate an ore, but produces a lot of rubble. You can also super dig by holding Control. This will produce a small amount of ore quickly at a high energy cost and terrible efficiency. Avoid wasting ore in this way when possible.

To automate the collection of ore, use an Ore Extractor. You can place the extractor up against an ore block and it will consume energy to extract resources automatically. You can open the ore extractor control panel by pressing the 'Interact' key (default 'E'). This allows you to add energy to the machine from your suit, collect ore from its internal storage, and upgrade the machine. The starting extractors are significantly more resource efficient than super digging and can be left unattended.

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The extractor has an internal storage capacity of 500 energy which is a little over two full suit's worth of energy so you will need to make multiple trips to fill it up. If its internal storage fills up the extractor will cease mining until it has been emptied. You can place a storage hopper next to the extractor to provide more storage space and also return the ore to you base using conveyors.

The Ore Extractor speed in ore per minute and efficiency are displayed in the control panel shown when interacting with the machine. At 10% efficiency 9 mineable ore is destroyed for each unit collected.

Upgrading Extractors

The base Ore Extractor is a useful piece of machinery, but is far from its maximum power. The extractor can be upgraded with two parts: New motors and new cutter heads. With the control panel open click the appropriate upgrade slot and the best upgrade from your inventory will be inserted. You can also drag the upgrades from or to your inventory.


A new motor increases the speed at which the excavator drill head mines, which means you will receive more ore per minute. The increased speed comes at higher power cost so ensure your power supply is sufficient before upgrading.

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Cutter Head

Upgrading the cutter head increases the efficiency at which the excavator extracts ores. This means that it will be able to retrieve more ore from a vein over its lifetime. Besides the efficiency upgrade, the new cutter head will also allow the excavator to dig harder materials, which the base cutter head may not be able to cut into at all.

Cutter heads will wear out over time, their remaining durability is shown in the ore extractor control panel.

HoloBase readout

Red/Blue Flash:Out of Power
Red/Cyan Flash:Out of Storage
Red/Black Flash:Idle
Red/Green Flash:Drill Stuck