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Handbook Entry

Language - Dutch

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Language - English

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Particle Compressor

The Particle Compressor is used to compress the outputs of a maximum of 4 Particle Filters into a denser usable form. The output of the Particle Compressor is so dense that it resembles a liquid when outputted. The Particle Compressor is built in a 3x3x3 formation.


Manufacturing Time:5 seconds
Power Required:512 per second
Power Capacity:4096
Max. Power Recharge Rate:10000 per second
Gas Storage:750
Compressed Gas Storage:5
Gas Required:232 per compressed

Particulate Filtration

Particle Filter

Particle Storage

Gas Bottler

Language - Es

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Language - Finnish

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Hiukkaspuristin puristaa maksimissaan 4 hiukkassoudattimen tulokset käytettävämmäksi tiiviimmäksi muodoksi. Se on niin tiivistä että se muistuttaa nestettä. Hiukkaspuristin rakennetaan 3x3x3 asetelmaan.

Particulate Filtration

Particle Filter

Particle Storage

Gas Bottler

Language - French

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Language - German

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Language - Russian

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Компрессор Примесей

Компрессор Примесей применяется для сжатия продуктов до 4 одновременно работающих Фильтров Примесей в более плотную форму. Продукты Компрессора Примесей выходят в сжиженном состоянии. Компрессор строится в конфигурации 3х3х3.

Particulate Filtration

Particle Filter

Particle Storage

Gas Bottler