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Handbook Entry

Language - Dutch

Page 1

Language - English

Page 1

Particle Storage

The Particle Storage is used to store the output of a maximum of 4 Particle Compressors. This multi-block facilitates the storage of the collected and compressed particles before bottling. The Particle Storage is built in a 3x7x3 formation.



Particulate Filtration

Particle Filter

Particle Compressor

Gas Bottler

Language - Es

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Language - Finnish

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Hiukkasvarastoa käytetään taltioimaan maksimissaan 4 hiukkaspuristimen tulos. Tämä monipalikkainen kone säilöö kerätyt ja puristetut hiukkaset ennen pullottamista. Hiukkasvarasto rakennetaan 3x7x3 muodostelmaan.

Particulate Filtration

Particle Filter

Particle Compressor

Gas Bottler

Language - French

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Language - German

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Language - Russian

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Хранилище Примесей

В Хранилище Примесей хранятся продукты, вырабатываемые максимум четырьмя Компрессорами Примесей. Многоблочная структура хранилища с минимальными утечками обеспечивает хранение собранных и сжатых примесей до момента заправки ёмкостей. Хранилище Примесей строится по схеме (ДхШхВ): 3x3x7.

Particulate Filtration

Particle Filter

Particle Compressor

Gas Bottler