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Handbook Entry

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Blank Ore Ping

Language - English

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Gold Ore

Gold Ore will most likely be found below the Cold Caverns, Veins are found deeper too. Statistics show, with greater depth the richness will rise. It can be Dug-up with a Build Gun MK1, Ore Extractors and by Trencher-Extractors.

The first Stages of Ore smelting can be done with Standard Ore Smelters. Later, when Throughput is valued over Efficiency, a Blast Furnace Setup is strongly recommended.

Short Facts

Occurrence:-300 to -1500m
Ping Color:Bright Yellow, Wireframe
1st Stage of Extraction:Build Gun MK1
2nd Stage of Extraction:Ore Extractor
3rd Stage of Extraction:Trencher Extractor MK1-MK3
1st Stage of Smelting:Ore Smelter
2nd Stage of Smelting:Blast Furnace Setup