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Handbook Entry

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Liquid Resin Refiner

This is the final step to utilise and clear the Hardened Resin that the Hiveminds excrete around them.

The Liquifier uses a heated plasma stream to liquify and extract the soft insides of Liquified Hard Resin. You can then use a Liquid Resin Refiner to convert this to Refined Liquid Resin.

To convert from Hard Resin to Ablated Hard Resin, use a Hard Resin Ablator

Laser Resin Ablator

Laser Resin Liquifier

Refined Liquid Resin

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This machine requires a hopper holding at least 10 Liquified Resin to start the refining process.


Manufacturing Time:60 seconds
Power Required:128 per second
Power Capacity:640
Max. Power Recharge Rate:1024 per second